
Company Name: Yamane-shuzo
Company Representative: Fukunari Wakabayashi, Representative Director and President
Address: 384-4 Oaza Akazawa, Hanno, Saitama, 357-0128 Japan
Established: December 3, 2019
Capital: 3 million yen
Contact (to Fukunari Wakabayashi):

Officer introduction


Brewery Specializing in Kijoshu

All products brewed with the sixth yeast, wooden buckets, kimoto starter culture, pure rice produced in Saitama and cloth bag gravity drip without filtering, diluting or heat sterilizing process.

* As of December 3, 2019, we are not authorized to manufacture sake because of lack of sake brewing license.

Currently, we are working for opening our brewery specializing in kijoshu in 2021, following the articles from the Sankei Shimbun on November 20 and the Asahi Shimbun Digital on December 3, 2019, on the government and ruling parties considering export promotion by permitting establishment of domestic sake breweries providing export products.

At the same time, we are looking for a brewer who has a notion to return the license.

  1. Manufacturing and sales of alcoholic liquors
  2. Production, process and sales of Chiriki Saibai rice and other agricultural products
  3. Forestry and manufacturing and sales of wooden buckets and other products
  4. Fishery and manufacturing and sales of fishery products
  5. Manufacturing and sales of fermented food and other food and drink products
  6. Manufacturing and sales of health food products
  7. Manufacturing and sales of Hannno-yaki potteries
  8. Manufacturing and sales of cosmetic products
  9. Sericulture and manufacturing and sales of silk products
  10. Development, manufacturing and sales of pet products
  11. Manufacturing and sales of insect food products
  12. Design, manufacturing and sales of insect fashion products
  13. Research and study on natural environment preservation
  14. Planning, conducting and sales of eco-tours and other tourism
  15. Other services incidental or related to all the operations above